My Mission
I know I have love because God first loved me; not only me but all of mankind. This love that we have been given is unbound and available to anyone who seeks it out! Unhindered by Language, culture, age, nationality, sex, ethnicity, etc. Love speaks directly to the deepest parts of us all. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am continuously filled with love and am compelled to share that love with everyone I encounter. Jesus tells us, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I want to be known for the love that I share with everyone and I want that Love to point to The One who first loved me.
I am thankful for the gift of music! Growing up, I spent so much time listening to anything on the radio and playing whatever I could get my hands on. In high school I joined the marching and symphonic band which opened my eyes to all new genres and how to play a part in an ensemble. Throughout the years I've found that music has a unique power that draws us together despite their culture, ethnicity, religion, or any other measure we use to distinguish ourselves. Building connections, with the aim of sharing the love of Jesus, is made much easier through a mutual love of art, in my case especially music. These connections naturally give way to communities where people can feel free to express, share, and learn from other members. If stewarded well, these communities can be very attractive to people who are looking to be a part of something larger than themselves. It's these types of communities that can be deeply impactful and change individuals, families, friends, and beyond.
I don’t think it's a coincidence that whenever something is being collectively created or built, the end product benefits the builder in function and also ends up building up and strengthening bonds between the participants. This, I believe, is a universal characteristic of the creative collaborative spirit. What we build, in turn, builds us up. These types of creative endeavors can be another tool that we can use to draw people together in a community. The process of walking an idea into reality is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling experiences anyone can go through. That process is difficult enough on your own and the more people involved, the harder it can become. The good news is, all the sweat, blood, and tears spent pale in comparison to joy, fulfillment, and gratitude received. Anyone who has gone through this process can attest to its power. In a community rooted in love, we can truly build each other up beyond our self prescribed limits. My ministry will be largely devoted to building these types of communities.
What I want to share with the world is the greatest gift given to me which is the Love of Jesus Christ. This gift has been gifted to me and is available to all who are willing to receive it. One of the ways I experience His love is through the arts; more specifically communal creativity. From playing in bands, performing improv comedy, street drumming, to even dancing and movement, there is something special in creativity that speaks on levels too deep for words. God’s gift of creativity, like his love, is truly inexhaustible. But wait, it gets better! Sharing this love with others also fills me up with more love. The same can be said about creativity. There’s a quote, “There’s nothing good in life that isn’t better when shared with somebody.” What I appreciate about this quote is the importance placed on people and relationships. After all, what could be more important to us than the people we love and are loved by. If love is truly at the foundation, my desire is to build upon it by connecting and forming relationships, creating spaces where creative communities can thrive, and sharing the goodness of love in community to all who are willing to receive it. Just like Christ shared with me, I look to share with everyone around me!